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Using Tag Groups in eDesk

Now that you’re an expert at creating tags, it’s time to show you how to use Tag Groups. Using the right Tag Groups in your eDesk account…

How to generate a token for the eDesk API

eDesk's API enables you to connect eDesk to the other applications that you use to sell, track, and manage your shop, so that they can send or…

Smart Inbox

One of the problems customers face as they begin to use eDesk is managing the large number of messages that can come in from various channels.  

Favouriting tickets

Favouriting tickets is an easy way to keep important queries in one place so that you can access them quickly. This help file will show you…

Search and Filters

When navigating through your eDesk account, the search and filters option will enable you to find exactly the tickets you're looking for. This…

Tickets Insights

The Insights section in eDesk allows you to consult stats and data so you can have a better understanding of how your team, products, and entire…

Using Tags in eDesk

Tags are a great way to organize the Mailbox, giving your customer support process more structure.  Using the right Tag in your eDesk account…

The eDesk Smart Tools

Smart Tools are eDesk’s most powerful features. They enable you to create smart workflows, route tickets and automatically reply to repetitive…

Customizing the display in your eDesk Mailbox

Did you know that you can customize the information that's shown in your Mailbox, and also control the way information is displayed?  This…

Using the Pre-Sales feature to make more sales

The Pre-Sales section separates sales opportunity queries (Pre-Sales) from regular queries. It houses product queries from customers who have…

What are the best practices for providing super fast customer support?

Customer support is a balancing act between high customer expectations and your team’s limited resources. Customers want fast and accurate…

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